Virtual Sunday Worship

Click here to download your Online Worship Bulletin: Here is a quick link to the Lincoln Westminster Presbyterian Church Virtual Worship Videos: Worship will also be televised on Spectrum channel 1302 and Windstream channel 13 at 12:30 PM on Thursday and 1:00 PM on Saturday.

Sign up for Virtual Choir Deadline

February 14 is the sign up deadline. Would you like to join our current virtual choir project? We’re doing a simple arrangement of Be Thou My Vision. Contact Laura Ross to receive sing-a-long track and score. Technological instructions and guidance will also be provided. Submissions are due this Sunday on Valentine’s Day!  

Ladies Night Out

Ladies Night Out All Westminster women are welcome at our virtual “night out” once a month. We’d love to have YOU join the conversation! Upcoming gatherings will be at 5:30 pm on Tuesday evenings. Contact Laurel Van Ham or the church office to get the Zoom link. Easy directions included for any who haven’t Zoomed […]

Virtual Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Virtual Plans are being made to have a virtual YouTube service for Ash Wednesday, February 17.  To include the tradition of having ashes on the forehead as a sign of our mortality and our hope in Christ’s resurrection, Elder Tom Pappas has burned palm fronds from last Palm Sunday.  Members can pick up an envelope with a pinch […]

Virtual Sunday Worship

Click here to download your Online Worship Bulletin: Here is a quick link to the Lincoln Westminster Presbyterian Church Virtual Worship Videos: Worship will also be televised on Spectrum channel 1302 and Windstream channel 13 at 12:30 PM on Thursday and 1:00 PM on Saturday.

Spring Stated Meeting

Spring Congregational Meeting February 21, 2021 | 10:30 | Zoom.

Westminster Virtual Social Hour Game Night

It’s Westminster Virtual Social Hour Game Night for the entire family! Crack open those Bibles...we’ll be using them for this game, “Name That Book!” Must Bring to the Social: 1) A pen/marker/or crayon; 2) Paper/post-it’s/or note cards to display your answer 3) A biblical snack or drink to keep you energized! 4) Try to invite […]

Lenten Zoom Group

The Lenten ZOOM group will gather at 7 PM Lent Devotionals and Lenten Zoom Group The traditional mindset is to give up something for Lent. Westminsterites are invited to add a Lenten discipline for this holy season. There are three levels of involvement: Do nothing and allow the weeks of preparation for Easter to elapse unnoticed. Download […]

Virtual Sunday Worship

Click here to download your Online Worship Bulletin: Here is a quick link to the Lincoln Westminster Presbyterian Church Virtual Worship Videos: Worship will also be televised on Spectrum channel 1302 and Windstream channel 13 at 12:30 PM on Thursday and 1:00 PM on Saturday.

Lenten Zoom Group

The Lenten ZOOM group will gather at 7 PM Lent Devotionals and Lenten Zoom Group The traditional mindset is to give up something for Lent. Westminsterites are invited to add a Lenten discipline for this holy season. There are three levels of involvement: Do nothing and allow the weeks of preparation for Easter to elapse unnoticed. Download […]

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