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Called Session Meeting Update on Worship (COVID) January 20, 2022
In light of our ‘greatest’ call as Christians to love our neighbor, and with a continued mindfulness toward Lincoln Lancaster Health Department and city recommendations, Westminster’s Session has approved moving to virtual worship for two Sundays (January 23rd and 30th). Session will re-evaluate these plans following the February 1st community update. Last Friday, our local leaders asked for faith leaders (such as elders on session) to lead our community with wise decision-making as the Omicron surge reaches unprecedented levels, and so a session meeting was called with guidance from our COVID Task Force.
If you have not experienced a worship service via our new livestreaming system, these are two great weeks to watch for the first time. This Sunday, January 23rd, will be our “Tree Sabbath” service with lessons and hymns that celebrate God’s creation with a focus on trees. January 30th will explore Jesus’s sense of call while asking questions about our own calling in life as followers of Jesus in 2022. LIVESTREAM LINK
Committees, made up of church members, will be able to determine in-person or virtual plans for groups such as Confirmation, Wednesday and Sunday Children/Youth, and Adult Ed. We encourage such groups to pause for one Sunday, January 23rd, in order to evaluate with those involved in such programs and then make determinations. We recognize the difficulty of changing course and the joy of the very positive momentum we have as a congregation as we begin a new year. We also will continue to make decisions through the lens of love for one another and the value that Presbyterians have for science and the exhibition of love to our broader community.
Please keep an eye on communication via the eVine and/or point-people for different programs to learn more about individual groups within the congregation.
In a Spirit of Christian Love and Gratitude,
Your Westminster Session
Rev. Chris Peters, Head of Staff / Senior Pastor
Margaret Sprude, Clerk of Session”