Tag: Bible Study

Bible Study

Adult Education Luke Bible Study

03 Feb 21
Chris Peters
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Wednesdays at 7 PM via Zoom

Luke Part Two. Each group of readings is informed by an introductory video. All participants are asked to watch the video: “BibleProject Luke Part Two” which can be found through a Google search. .  To receive the Zoom link and register for the next class, email Tom Pappas.

Bible Study

Adult Education Luke Bible Study

03 Feb 21
Chris Peters
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Wednesdays at 7 PM via Zoom

Luke Part Two. Each group of readings is informed by an introductory video. All participants are asked to watch the video: “BibleProject Luke Part Two” which can be found through a Google search. .  To receive the Zoom link and register for the next class, email Tom Pappas.

Adult Education Luke Bible Study

10 Jan 21
Chris Peters

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Wednesdays at 7 PM via Zoom

Bible Study is resuming on January 13 and will begin Luke Part Two at Luke 19:28. Each group of readings is informed by an introductory video. All participants are asked to watch the video: “BibleProject Luke Part Two” (Google that title) before January 13. To receive the Zoom link and register for the next class, email Tom Pappas.


30 Aug 19
Chris Peters
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Sunday Bible Class meets each Sunday morning at 10:45 in the Parlor. Our focus in the Sunday sermon text. All are welcome to drop in any Sunday and join the discussion around coffee.

August Gospel texts for Year C in the Revised CommonLectionary are:

September 1 | Luke 14:15-24


03 Aug 19
Chris Peters

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Sunday Bible Class Invites You

Sunday Bible Class meets each Sunday morning at 10:45 in the Parlor. Our focus in the Sunday sermon text. All are welcome to drop in any Sunday and join the discussion around coffee. August Gospel texts for Year C in the Revised Common Lectionary are:

August 25 | Luke 13:10-17


03 Aug 19
Chris Peters

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Sunday Bible Class Invites You

Sunday Bible Class meets each Sunday morning at 10:45 in the Parlor. Our focus in the Sunday sermon text. All are welcome to drop in any Sunday and join the discussion around coffee. August Gospel texts for Year C in the Revised Common Lectionary are:

August 18 | Luke 12:49-56

August 25 | Luke 13:10-17


03 Aug 19
Chris Peters

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Sunday Bible Class Invites You

Sunday Bible Class meets each Sunday morning at 10:45 in the Parlor. Our focus in the Sunday sermon text. All are welcome to drop in any Sunday and join the discussion around coffee. August Gospel texts for Year C in the Revised Common Lectionary are:

August 11 | Luke 12:32-40


03 Aug 19
Chris Peters

No Comments

Sunday Bible Class Invites You

Sunday Bible Class meets each Sunday morning at 10:45 in the Parlor. Our focus in the Sunday sermon text. All are welcome to drop in any Sunday and join the discussion around coffee. August Gospel texts for Year C in the Revised Common Lectionary are:

August 4 | Luke 12:13-21

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