Holy Week Schedule
Maundy Thursday – Thursday, March 28 at 6:15 PM, Church-wide Dinner, Communion and Worship
John 13:1-20 “Streams of Mercy”
In a very brief reflection, Pastor Chris will invite us to value the experience of faith with all of our senses. As the disciples felt the water as Jesus washed their feet, tasted the gifts of grain and grape and the seder meal, and felt the cool of the air as they moved toward the Garden of Gethsemane with Jesus… all senses were engaged. Our service will be less about hearing a sermon and more about experiencing community together, preparing our hearts to go forth with love our song, love our voice, and love our calling.
Good Friday – Worship Friday, March 29 from 6:15- 7pm, Multiple Scriptures from John “Prone to Leave the God I Love”
A service of “Lessons and Reflections” will have us hearing scriptures that tell the story of Good Friday and the Passion narrative. After each we will briefly consider one image that stands out within each scripture. Good Friday is a service of reflection and remembrance, and so we hope you will find your own image within the stories, one that might call you to a closer walk with Christ.
Easter Sunday – Luke 24:1-12 “And I Hope”
Easter Worship is at 8 am & 10 am
Following the 8:00am service, the Children and Youth and Church Life Committees invite you to take a little time to enjoy conversation and home baked cinnamon rolls in the Garden Room.
“Christ is risen! Alleluia!” is our song of praise on Easter, but on the first Easter there was a mix of uncertainty and caution amongst moments of praise. Considering the disciple Peter this Easter, can we be people who will run toward hope – toward the empty tomb, even after our own biggest failures, losses and fears? On Easter, the empty tomb, the discovery by the women, and Peter’s rush to see it all show that we can always begin again, too.
New: Lent Family/Household Passports – With an Incentive!
To help us commit to joining the journey, we will have household Passports with the opportunity to earn stamps for an incentive on Easter Sunday!
Passport stamps may be earned either by attending worship on Sunday or by visiting our Wandering Heart Spirituality Stations in Fellowship Hall. By stamping six of seven stops, you will be able to enter a drawing for either a prime parking spot at the 8:00 am or 10:00 am Easter service, or for a faithful fun family Easter basket with activities, candy, and more surprises!
Download Your Lent Passport Here: 2024 Lenten Passport
New: Wandering Heart Spirituality Center in Fellowship Hall Beginning Monday, February 19th, a weekly take-home Spirituality Center will be open in Fellowship Hall. This will be on a long table along the North/’back’ wall of the room. This is one way to earn passport stamps! Simply stop by the station if you cannot attend worship, engage the tactile/hands-on element at the station, and take the take-home sheet for review as a family! We’ll go on the honor system, but you may stamp your passport as you leave. A new station will be added each Monday.
This will be open during church hours:
Sundays: 8:15am-1:00pm
Mon/Tu/Thu/Fridays: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Wednesdays: 8:30am – 7:00pm
Visual Lent Photo Challenge
If you were thinking about joining the VisualLent Challenge on Ash Wednesday this year but missed the beginning, there is still time to get involved. Don’t worry about missing a day or five or more – just check the daily theme and post a photo on days when you feel moved to do so. Please use the #WPCvisuallent24 and mention @westminsterlincoln so we can walk with you.
Print out or save your Visual Lent Calendar here: LENT PHOTO CHALLENGE CALENDAR
Lent Schedule – Download Our Full Lent 2024 Schedule Here: 2024 Lent Schedule. Some events and more details may be added as we go, so keep an eye on our eVine and social media throughout Lent!
On Wednesdays in Lent, Pastor Chris will lead a hybrid class for busy folks called “Wandering Hearts and Seeking Souls” which will explore the week’s theme scripture through the lens of art, music, group story-sharing, and real-world events. We will meet on 2/21 and 28, 3/6, 13, and 20 from 5:40-6:25pm in the Lounge and on Zoom:
Join here for Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87321343956?pwd=TUpvQmRvTDRZUkxZMmVNRTUrK0M3Zz09).
We have two different devotionals for Lent 2024, both from A Sanctified Art. One is a brief practice-based devotional, while one is a more traditional scripture and reflection devotional. See details and links below:
Wandering Heart Online Daily Devotional Cards – One of our two devotional options in an online calendar format. Beginning with Ash Wednesday (2/14), there is a centering practice, daily question, and prayer for each day of Lent 2024 beyond into the first week of the Easter season following! Save this link and click daily to follow, or just leave a browser open through the season!
Wandering Heart Full Devotional (Color) – a fully daily devotional written by a team of PCUSA and mainline pastors and artists. If you’re looking for a little more ‘meat and potatoes’ to your devotional, including a mindfulness to justice issues in our world, this is for you! We will have a limited number of printed copies available through the church office. This linked version can be downloaded and used in a pdf reader such as Kindle or Apple Books!
Wandering Heart Full Devotional (B+W) – Same as above but black and white to save those color copying and ink costs – can be used in a pdf reader such as Kindle or Apple Books!
Limited copies of the Full Devotional will be available at church in the Garden Room or by contacting the church office.
This Lent, I hope you and yours will Join the Journey in a meaningful way. This is the season to re-tune our hearts on God in faith. If you have questions, let me know! I hope to see you in worship this Wednesday for Ash Wednesday or Sunday for our first week of following Peter’s journey together!
With Gratitude,
Pastor Chris Peters
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Lincoln, NE
Office: (402) 475-6702