KNIT & SIT Church Library| Wednesdays | 6:30 PM We warmly welcome you to come to knit, crochet or other hand work, or just sit and enjoy the fellowship. We can also help you learn to knit and we have some supplies to share. We meet year round. Come when you can.


YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME HERE AT WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Westminster is a place of heartfelt compassion, intelligent faith, and welcoming hospitality found at 27th & South Street in central Lincoln, NE. Our worship is creatively traditional— this means it’s okay to laugh, applaud, wear casual clothes, do some playful things, and still have be called […]

The Spring Stated Meeting of the Congregation

The Spring Stated Meeting of the Congregation will be Sunday, February 23rd, immediately following worship. This meeting will receive the 2020 Budget; audited financial reports; and committee reports.

Bible Class

SUNDAY BIBLE CLASS | CHURCH PARLOR | 10:45 AM Explore and discuss the texts used in Sunday worship and in the sermon. All are welcome to drop in any Sunday and join the discussion around coffee. Facilitator: Rev. Ellen Davis ( During the month of February, we will explore portions of the Sermon on the Mount […]

Adult Forum

SUNDAY ADULT FORUM |February 2020 “Sermon on the Mount” led by Rev. Jimmy Shelbourn Join us in the church Lounge at 10:45 AM   February 23 | Narrow Doors and Fruit Trees


PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT This is an opportunity for children to enjoy one another as they learn about Jesus. Parents are encouraged to drop off their children for two hours and go on a date, go to the grocery store or have time alone. Children will have a meal, music, Bible lesson, games and a bedtime […]


KNIT & SIT Church Library| Wednesdays | 6:30 PM We warmly welcome you to come to knit, crochet or other hand work, or just sit and enjoy the fellowship. We can also help you learn to knit and we have some supplies to share. We meet year round. Come when you can.


Come join us as we gather for Ash Wednesday worship Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our journey to Easter as we walk with Jesus through the final weeks of his ministry. This day we remember our own humanity and our need for God through the imposition of ashes made from the palm fronds of […]


YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME HERE AT WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Westminster is a place of heartfelt compassion, intelligent faith, and welcoming hospitality found at 27th & South Street in central Lincoln, NE. Our worship is creatively traditional— this means it’s okay to laugh, applaud, wear casual clothes, do some playful things, and still have be called […]

Sunday Bible Class

SUNDAY BIBLE CLASS As we journey through Lent, we journey with Jesus as he first is tempted in the Wilderness and then begins his ministry of teaching, healing and bringing renewal and hope. On the second Sunday, the Bible class will join the Forum class with our guest preacher, Elder Elona Street Stewart, Executive of […]

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