Parent’s Night Out 

Parent’s Night Out  This is an opportunity for children to enjoy one another as they learn about Jesus. Parent’s are encouraged to drop off their children for two hours and go on a date, go to the grocery store or have time alone. Children will have a meal, music, Bible lesson, games and a bedtime […]


WEDNESDAY REHEARSALS The Westminster Carillon (Bell choir) meets at 5:30 PM and the Westminster Choir at 6:30 PM. For one hour each. Our music groups would like to invite new musicians to consider attending a music rehearsal. Both groups are welcoming new members. Fall is a great time to check us out! Contact for […]


Knit & Sit | Every Wednesday Church Library | 6:30 PM We warmly welcome you to come to knit, crochet or other hand work, or just sit and enjoy the fellowship. We can also help you learn to knit and we have some supplies to share. We meet year round. Come when you can.


YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME HERE AT WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Westminster is a place of heartfelt compassion, intelligent faith, and welcoming hospitality found at 27th & South Street in central Lincoln, NE. Our worship is creatively traditional— this means it’s okay to laugh, applaud, wear casual clothes, do some playful things, and still have be called […]


SUNDAY ADULT FORUM  October 27 | Lounge | 10:40 AM Sermon on the Mount continues, “Charity, Prayer, and Fasting” with Rev. Dr. Jimmy Shelbourn.


SUNDAY BIBLE CLASS | PARLOR | 10:45 AM Join an energetic group exploring the Bible. Facilitator: Rev. Ellen Davis ( Explore and discuss the texts used in Sunday worship and in the sermon. All are welcome to drop in any Sunday and join the discussion around coffee. Luke 18:9-14  |  “The Parable of Pharisee and the […]


Contact the church office at 402-475-6702 if you are on the committee and need more information.

Interchurch Climate Event

Lincoln’s faith communities are coming together to address creation care! You are invited to join believers from around the city for a Skype presentation by Katharine Hayhoe on Wednesday, October 30th, 3:30pm in Hardin Hall (East Campus). Dr. Hayhoe is a professor of Climate Science at Texas Tech University, a conservative Christian, and a pastor’s […]


WEDNESDAY REHEARSALS The Westminster Carillon (Bell choir) meets at 5:30 PM and the Westminster Choir at 6:30 PM. For one hour each. Our music groups would like to invite new musicians to consider attending a music rehearsal. Both groups are welcoming new members. Fall is a great time to check us out! Contact for […]

Knit & Sit | Every Wednesday Church Library | 6:30 PM We warmly welcome you to come to knit, crochet or other hand work, or just sit and enjoy the fellowship. We can also help you learn to knit and we have some supplies to share. We meet year round. Come when you can.

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