Knit & Sit

Knit & Sit | Every Wednesday Church Library | 6:30 PM We warmly welcome you to come to knit, crochet or other hand work, or just sit and enjoy the fellowship. We can also help you learn to knit and we have some supplies to share. We meet year round. Come when you can.


Sunday Bible Class Invites You Sunday Bible Class meets each Sunday morning at 10:45 in the Parlor. Our focus in the Sunday sermon text. All are welcome to drop in any Sunday and join the discussion around coffee. August Gospel texts for Year C in the Revised Common Lectionary are: August 4 | Luke 12:13-21

Knit & Sit

Knit & Sit | Every Wednesday Church Library | 6:30 PM We warmly welcome you to come to knit, crochet or other hand work, or just sit and enjoy the fellowship. We can also help you learn to knit and we have some supplies to share. We meet year round. Come when you can.

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