We are in this together and with God’s grace we will emerge with hope and strength.
We are hearing that some businesses may reopen soon utilizing PPE and social distancing. As the Coronavirus crisis coninues to shift into unchartered territory we want to be cautious and continue on the side of care and concern for all people. The Session of WPC has determined that reopening for public worship is not a good option just yet.
In addition to watching the statistics and listening to public health experts there are logistical and safety issues to address before we join in the sanctuary for worship. For now, we will continue with virtual worship. Only the WPC Session has the authority to restart public worship and activities. Therefore, we are not having in-person worship until further notice.
Worship will continue to be held virtualy on Sundays on our Website via YouTube under our Worship Link at the top of this page, and televised on Spectrum channel 1302 and Windstream channel 13 at 12:30 pm on Thursdays and 1:00 PM on Saturdays.
The church office is closed and all meetings, group gatherings and events are cancelled. This is in an attempt to protect the most vulnerable and decrease the spread of the virus. Please pray for all who are at risk, who are affected by this situation either medically or financially or work related.
As we move through these challenging days, we are reminded that God does not leave us or forsake us – regardless. Our call is to be faithful in caring for one another and trust in what we believe and that is our faith is always stronger than our fear. If you know of someone who may be alone, now is the time to reach out and check in. We are in this together. We need the love and support of each other.