This Friday, March 25, join us as we pay tribute to Ukraine and their culinary delights. Start searching for recipes, check out Lincoln’s European grocery stores, learn how to pronounce the dish you bring.
We will meet in Fellowship Hall at 5:30 p.m. for our Ukrainian dinner. As always, there will be a free-will breadbasket offering. Donations will be sent to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for Ukraine.
What is “World on a Plate?” It is a program that blends mission, stewardship, and fellowship. One Friday each month, small groups meet in each other’s homes to share a potluck meal that celebrates another country’s cuisine – the cuisine of a country where a designated PCUSA missionary is serving.
One participant tells the story of the missionary’s work during the meal, and a free-will offering is taken following the meal and sent to further the mission. Every few months, the groups are scrambled to encourage new friendships.