The great west window is a reproduction of a window in the Shakespeare Memorial Church at Stratford-on-Avon, England.
There are five symbols across the top of the window as follows (from left to right): The flagon or goblet is a symbol of the Passion and the gift of the redemption. The dove is a symbol of the baptism and ministry of Christ and of the Holy Spirit. The crown is a symbol of the triumph of faith and of the glory of God, the Father. The crown denotes not only our Lord’s kingly office but expresses the fact that we have eternal life through Him as well. “The Crown of life” is a symbol borrowed directly from the Scripture. St. James 1:12; Peter 5:4; Revelation 2:10; and 3:11 are among the principal scripture verses where this idea is set forth. Fish, or Ixthus, are a symbol of Christ as the Son of God, the founder of Christianity. The fish is a very early symbol. The word Ixthus is the Greek word meaning fish.
Each letter in this word is the initial of a word in the following sentence in Greek: “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour.” This symbol was used first in the first century. Its meaning may not have been known to pagan persecutors, yet to the early Christians it was an emblem of profound significance and at all times was a sermon in stone, expressing the fact of man’s need of a Saviour, and the fact of salvation only through Jesus Christ. The lamp is a symbol of the light of the Gospel.
The location of the above symbols in the window are in the order given, reading from left to right, which places the Symbols of the Trinity in the center, with the crown as the Godhead idea as the central motif. These three symbols are flanked by the two tokens of the Passion and the Gospel. In the case of the lamp symbol, the flame points inward toward the symbols of the Trinity.
In the lancet openings below are placed ten medallions, each with a figure thereon. The top three are figures portraying the three high priests, Moses, Christ, and David. The central figure of Christ includes the symbol of the cross and the orb which signifies the triumph of our Saviour over the sin of the world. It is the symbol of the world conquest of His gospel through the means of grace, namely work and sacrifice. The three medallions directly below are the great prophets who have spoken about the Incarnation of Christ. They are from left to right, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. The two medallions to the left portray the Gospel writers St. Matthew and St. Mark, while on the right one sees St. Luke and St. John. Thus the four gospel writers are represented.