Celebrating Lohmen, our sister church in Germany (after worship, meet in chancel)
After worship everyone is invited to the chancel for a “one take” video greeting to our partners in Lohmen, Germany on the occasion of their completed parish house (fellowship hall equivalent) renovation.
The script:
- Line up quickly on the chancel using the steps as risers – bring a hymnal with you.
- Nancy Leavitt will deliver a brief greeting auf Deutsch.
- All sing verse two of the “Lohmen hymn”.
- Wave for the camera.
Here’s the special Idea. If you have a shirt or T-shirt from one of the Lohmen exchanges, have it with you to put on for the video.
After we think we’re done, return hymnals and then report to The Parlor for Sunday Bible Class (Luke 12: 13-21) or the Lounge for kuchen and a celebration of the Lohmen project.