Activities and times
THE SNOW QUEEN Drama Camp is ONE WEEK of rehearsals &am
Bachelor of Arts degree from Hastings College, Hastings
Barbara Hipple is known around the Presbyterian churche
Prairie readers scheduled to meet Wednesday, Feb 19 at 1:00 in the lounge is CANCELED due to weather conditions. Next meeting will be March 19 as scheduled.
Welcome to Westminster Presbyterian Church!
“An inclusive faith community seeking to…
Expand our lives in faith!
Connect people deeply!
Make a difference through service!“All are welcome to join us for worship at 9:30 a.m in our sanctuary.
Worship is traditional with a welcoming and relaxed feel.Worship with us live or later online at
Please note the full service may not appear on the Westminster Website in the “playlist” until the service has concluded.
You may find virtual bulletins on our website.
Televised Worship is on Thursdays at 12:30 p.m./Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. Channel 1302/Spectrum & Channel 13/Windstream.