Sunday Morning Volunteer Opportunities
Greeters: “For I was a stranger… And you welcomed me” (Matthew 25:35). It’s a smile, a handshake or a hug, or maybe it’s a hi-five to a 5 year-old: The church greeter is often the first person a visitor to a church will meet. Just like in the building of all relationships, the first impression a greeter makes has an impact on the perception of a church. Can you fill the role of a Greeter? This ministry is currently on a six week rotational basis. Greeters are at the east door and at the top of the stairs welcoming church goers. We encourage youth to participate in greeting with their parents. If you feel called to this ministry or have questions, please contact Janice Rohwedder
Ushers: Each week we need four ushers to welcome visitors to the sanctuary, hand out bulletins, take a count of those present, gather Friendship pad pages at the end of the service, etc! We have a few open spots that need to be filled throughout the remainder of the year.
Want to sign up or have any questions? Please contact Kim Kubick at If you’ve never ushered before, let Kim know and she will coordinate a time with you to quickly run through the duties!
Liturgists: Contact Pastor Chris at
Musicians: Contact Ronnie Zanella at
Faith Village Leaders: Contact Trish Souliere at or Laurie Loftquist at
Youth Group Small Group Leaders: Contact Bailey Jex at
Dishwashers: As a certified “Earth Care Congregation” Westminster is committed to limiting our use of disposables. On Sunday mornings we use the mugs that are in the kitchen, just like we do at home. Also, just like home, the mugs need to be washed! One or two people can easily manage this task in about 30 minutes as the coffee hour winds down. It’s easy, and someone will show you how if you don’t already know your way around the Westminster kitchen. You can sign up for a monthly slot or just as the timing works for you. For more information contact Tom Pappas, Or sign up at