Hearts and Hands
We Gather Together Weekly for Fellowship & Fun on Wednesdays:
Hearts & Hands is a fun-loving group that meets every Wednesday from 1:30 – 3 PM, in the church library. Our mission is to knit and crochet items for the People’s City Mission—hats, scarves, baby items, toys, etc. We donate finished items in November before the holidays. These gifts provide warm hats and scarves and other warm items for those in need. All needlework folks are welcome to come visit and see what you’re missing! Laughter is free. All yarn donations are welcome!
Meet and build some new friendships here at Hearts and Hands and bring a friend or two if you’d like. All are welcome. And don’t worry if you don’t know how to knit and crochet, we will show you. The image below shows some of our previously donated hand created gifts to the City Mission.