Ladies’ Night Out

Ladies' Night Out | Tuesday, March 19, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. You are invited to join us this month at Ollie & Hobbes!  They are located in the South Pointe Pavilions at 2940 Pine Lake Rd STE A. Please RSVP by Saturday, February 26 to

Prairie Readers

Prairie Readers will meet March 20th at 1 PM in the Lounge. Lisa DeBuse will lead the discussion of “The Invention of Wings” by Sue Monk Kidd.  A powerful, sweeping novel, inspired by real events, and set in the American Deep South in the nineteenth century, The Invention of Wings evokes a world of shocking contrasts, of beauty and ugliness, of […]


Heart & Hands

Hearts and Hands We Gather Together Weekly for Fellowship & Fun on Wednesdays: Hearts & Hands is a fun-loving group that meets every Wednesday from 1:30 – 3 PM, in the church library. Our mission is to knit and crochet items for the People’s City Mission—hats, scarves, baby items, toys, etc. We donate finished items […]

Palm Sunday

Join us for Palm Sunday worship. We will have worship with a Palm Processional beginning at 9:30 am. Palm Sunday – John 12:12-16  “Songs of Loudest Praise” As Jesus and the disciples enter Jerusalem, we can imagine Peter amongst the disciples, watching the singing and cheering crowds. When it comes to singing praise in our […]


Heart & Hands

Hearts and Hands We Gather Together Weekly for Fellowship & Fun on Wednesdays: Hearts & Hands is a fun-loving group that meets every Wednesday from 1:30 – 3 PM, in the church library. Our mission is to knit and crochet items for the People’s City Mission—hats, scarves, baby items, toys, etc. We donate finished items […]


Children and youth of all ages are invited to Westminster's annual Easter egg hunt. Seekers will be grouped roughly by age -- pre-k and kindergarten, 1st-5th grades, and 6th-12th grades -- for the hunt. Families are invited to enjoy dinner together before the hunt at 5:45pm in Cole Hall. The egg hunt will begin at […]

Maundy Thursday Worship

Maundy Thursday Church-wide Dinner, Communion and Worship | March 28 | 6:15 PM Maundy Thursday – John 13:1-20 “Streams of Mercy” In a very brief reflection, Pastor Chris will invite us to value the experience of faith with all of our senses. As the disciples felt the water as Jesus washed their feet, tasted the […]

Good Friday Worship

Good Friday – Multiple Scriptures from John “Prone to Leave the God I Love” A service of “Lessons and Reflections” will have us hearing scriptures that tell the story of Good Friday and the Passion narrative. After each we will briefly consider one image that stands out within each scripture. Good Friday is a service […]

Easter Sunday Worship & Cinnamon Roll Bar

Easter Worship is at 8 am & 10 am this Sunday. Following the 8:00am service, the Children and Youth and Church Life Committees invite you to take a little time to enjoy conversation and home baked cinnamon rolls in the Garden Room. Easter – Luke 24:1-12 “And I Hope” “Christ is risen! Alleluia!” is our song […]

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch will meet Tuesday, April 2, 11:30 A.M., at Mi Tierra, 84th & Holdrege.  This is our second time at this location.  They have lots of room and easy parking.

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