Lessons & Carols Service

Westminster's children and youth invite you to attend the children and youth led Lessons & Carols service on Sunday, December 18th at 9:30 AM. If you have any questions, contact Trish at trish@westminsterlincoln.org.

Christmas Eve Worship

Christmas Schedule December 24, 5 PM & 7 PM | Christmas Eve Worship Services: Brass, Choir and Candle Lighting, Sanctuary and Live Stream December 25, 9:30 AM  | Christmas Day Worship Service, Live Stream Only (no sanctuary worship) December 26 | Church Building Closed for Holiday January 1, 9:30 AM | Worship with Communion, Sanctuary and Live Stream

Christmas Eve Worship

Christmas Schedule December 24, 5 PM & 7 PM | Christmas Eve Worship Services: Brass, Choir and Candle Lighting, Sanctuary and Live Stream December 25, 9:30 AM  | Christmas Day Worship Service, Live Stream Only (no sanctuary worship) December 26 | Church Building Closed for Holiday January 1, 9:30 AM | Worship with Communion, Sanctuary and Live Stream

Ladies Night Out

We will meet at Well & Good at the Scarlet Hotel on Innovation Campus 2101 Transformation Dr https://www.wellandgoodnebraska.com/

Prairie Readers

Prairie Readers will meet at 1:00 p.m. on December 28 in the Lounge. This will be a time to enjoy each other's company, munch on goodies and watch a holiday film.

Church Building Closed

Happy New Year from your friends at Westminster Presbyterian Church! The building will be closed January 2, 2023 for the holiday.

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch | Tuesday, January 3 | 11:30 a.m. at Famous Dave's Lunch Bunch will meet at Famous Dave's, 2750 Pine Lake Rd., on January 3 at 11:30 A.M. RSVP to Jim Kinkennon @jimkinkennon@gmail.com.

Adult Education: Community Conversations

For many years, the Adult Education Committee has planned a Forum for the Sundays in January we call "Community Conversations." Each Sunday features a leader from some arena in the public sphere. We have featured politicians, judges, School superintendents and others. All sessions begin at 10:45 am and end at 11:30 am. Please plan to […]

Adult Education: Community Conversations

For many years, the Adult Education Committee has planned a Forum for the Sundays in January we call "Community Conversations." Each Sunday features a leader from some arena in the public sphere. We have featured politicians, judges, School superintendents and others. All sessions begin at 10:45 am and end at 11:30 am. Please plan to […]

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