Mission & Outreach LINK

Our guest speaker is from The Salvation Army. She will share about our partnership with The Salvation Army and talk about the Angel Tree Project. We will decorate the Christmas Tree and hang the Angel Tree tags. Your Mission and Outreach teams invites everyone to come be a part of this wonderful tradition.

Adult Education

“Our intrepid travelers to Lohmen will report on their trip during Adult Education in the Lounge on Sunday, November 13 at 10:40 a.m. Please join us as we hear about our continuing relationship with the Lohmen Church.”

Prairie Readers

Prairie Readers November 16, Wednesday, 1:00pm Meet in the Lounge   No book for this month. We will be creating our reading list for 2023.

Soup Dinner & Pie Fellowship

Join us Wednesday, November 16, for a tasty Westminster Thanksgiving tradition. Treat your taste buds and kick off the holidays with this culinary cornucopia. We will start by sharing a special meal of delectable soups before moving on to dessert. We invite you to bring your favorite pie to share and sample the wonderful desserts […]

The Annual Meeting of the Corporation and the Congregation

Annual Meeting | Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022 The Annual Meeting of the Corporation and the Congregation will be held jointly during the worship service on Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022. The purpose of the meeting will be to consider the Session’s recommended changes to the by-laws, elect officers for 2023 and to hear the report of […]

Adult Education Advent

A Branch Shall Grow Have you ever thought of Advent as a time of growth? Have you ever wondered if your neighbor would welcome an invitation to attend church with you? Isaiah begins chapter 11 with “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” […]

Ladies’ Night Out

Feel free to bring a friend to all our gatherings. Please send your RSVP to Robyn at robynu2@hotmail.com by Sunday, November 27th.   Date: Tuesday, November 29th Time: 5-7 PM Place: Billy’s 1301 H Street - https://www.billysrestaurant.com/

Holiday of Trees

Holiday of Trees  The Heritage League is holding their 50th annual Holiday of Trees on Wed., Nov. 30 and Thurs., Dec. 1. The hours on Wed. are 10am to 8 pm and on Thurs. 10 am to 7 pm. The admission is a donation at the door. Proceeds from this year’s ticket sales will go to […]


Westminster Link

Westminster Link Wednesday nights are a great opportunity for Children, Youth & Adults to get together and have fun learning about God. LiNK is another opportunity for us to connect – or “link” – together as a congregation on Wednesday nights!

Holiday of Trees

Holiday of Trees  The Heritage League is holding their 50th annual Holiday of Trees on Wed., Nov. 30 and Thurs., Dec. 1. The hours on Wed. are 10am to 8 pm and on Thurs. 10 am to 7 pm. The admission is a donation at the door. Proceeds from this year’s ticket sales will go to […]

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