History Buffs

Naval Aviators Experience in the Middle East Join us for a History Buffs presentation with Capt. (Ret.) William E. Powers and LCDR (Ret.) Andrea M Powers both in the United States Navy. They will be speaking about their military experiences in the middle East.

Our Current Moment, Worship and Christian Life Today

9:30 am - Worship with Dr. Moore-Keish Preaching. 10:50 am - Education Hour with Dr. Moore-Keish Teaching. 12:00-1:30 pm - Lunch and Recognition of Two Years of Ministry Together with Pastor Chris Peters. Nursery and Children's "Faith Village during Worship. Children/Youth options available during the Education. Click here to view our flyer: https://westminsterlincoln.org/.../Second-Celebration... See less

Ladies’ Night Out

Ladies' Night Out - Tuesday, September 27 | 5-7 PM LNO will be gathering at the Country Club of Lincoln (our hostess is Susan Jackson); 3200 S 24th St. As always, feel free to bring a friend, sister, aunt, daughter or mother to all our gatherings. RSVP to Robyn Uebele at robynu2@hotmail.com.

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch will be at The Garage at 5551 S.48th St. on Tuesday, October 4, 11:30 A.M.

History Buffs Presents A Walking Tour:

The Ghosts of Epworth Lake Park What lies beneath Wilderness Park? Joint us as we go back in time to explore the remains of Epworth Lake Park, the largest summer gathering place in the US from 1903-1940. In 1903, the Methodist Church Epworth League established a 32-acre resort and gathering place in a pleasant, wooded […]

Prairie Readers

Prairie Readers | Wednesday, October 19 | 1:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall October's meeting is a special one for Prairie Readers.  Pat Leach, Director of Lincoln City Libraries, will be with us to talk about books.  Those of you who have heard Pat know what a fine presenter she is; she never disappoints. The fact […]


We will be making tied fleece blankets for People’s City Mission on Oct. 19 at 6:30 PM in Fellowship Hall.   This is our Wed. night event for all ages. Jennie Danner will be there to talk about how the blankets will be used for a specific project at Christmas. She will also speak about […]

Special Guest Musical Ensemble

Westminster is excited to welcome two Union College instrument ensembles led by Director Ramon Araujo in worship this month! We will host a string chamber orchestra on October 23 and a wind ensemble with over 20 musicians on October 30! Invite a friend or share our service link online with someone you know. These are two […]

An Afternoon of Choirs

Join us at Westminster Presbyterian Church in the Sanctuary this Sunday afternoon. The UNL Glenn Korff School of Music presents the University Chorale, Chamber Singers and the Varsity Chorus. Free Admission

Ladies Night Out

October Ladies' Night Out is scheduled for Thursday, October 27 from 5-7 PM, at Florio's Italian Restaurant & Grill, 7300 S 13th St, Lincoln, NE 68512.  As always, feel free to bring a friend, sister, aunt, daughter or mother to all our gatherings. RSVP to Robyn Uebele at robynu2@hotmail.com.

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