Youth Group: Service at Matt Talbor

On April 20, the WPC Youth Group and their families are invited to help serve at Matt Talbot. We will need volunteers to assist with cooking, serving, and clean-up for dinner for 100-130 people. Cooks should arrive around 3:30 p.m., those who are serving arrive around 4:45 p.m. After dinner, volunteers clean the kitchen, wash […]

Presbyterians in the Park

PRESBYTERIANS IN THE PARK 9:30AM-1:00PM @ ANTELOPE PARK, BANDSTAND AND AULD PAVILION Worship outside in God's creation followed by a potluck lunch indoors! After the service, there will be a potluck luncheon in the Auld Center.  Church Life Committee will be providing fried chicken, rolls, and drinks. Congregation member with last name starting g with […]

Youth Group: Mission Trip

Register now to join our summer trek to serve at Crosslines in Kansas City, see Daniel at the Sight and Sound Theater in Branson, and spend a day at a theme park.

VBS: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace

A tile of marble It’s time to get your kids registered for VBS! Registration is $15/child ($45 max/family) before May 31. Register now at   Note: We will be collaborating with Good Shepherd Presbyterian again this year and sessions will be held at Good Shepherd, 8300 E Pointe Road.  Questions? Contact Trish Souliere by email, […]

Synod School

Storm Lake, Iowa Synod School is a learning and personal enrichment experience for people of all ages in an environment of hospitality, healing, and hope. The week is designed for laity, clergy, individuals and families with classes and activities for adults, youth, and children.  2025 Catalog

Youth Group: Triennium

Louisville, Kentucky In July 2025, the Presbyterian Church (USA) will welcome thousands of its high school age youth and their adult youth workers to Louisville, Kentucky for four days of worship, recreation, bible study, outreach, and faith formation all around the theme of “As If We Were Dreaming”. The registration fee is $199. More information […]

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