
@Westminster on Wednesdays

Kids from 1st grade through high school are invited to enjoy dinner, activities, discussion, and fun, from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Families are welcome to join us for dinner, served at 6:00 PM. Activities for children younger than 1st grade are available on request. Contact Trish at or (402) 570-0163 in advance to make arrangements.


@Westminster on Wednesdays

Kids from 1st grade through high school are invited to enjoy dinner, activities, discussion, and fun, from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Families are welcome to join us for dinner, served at 6:00 PM. Activities for children younger than 1st grade are available on request. Contact Trish at or (402) 570-0163 in advance to make arrangements.


@Westminster on Wednesdays

Kids from 1st grade through high school are invited to enjoy dinner, activities, discussion, and fun, from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Families are welcome to join us for dinner, served at 6:00 PM. Activities for children younger than 1st grade are available on request. Contact Trish at or (402) 570-0163 in advance to make arrangements.

@Westminster on Wednesdays

Our annual Easter egg hunt will take place on Wednesday, April 16. Children of all ages are invited to come for an evening of fun. The evening begins with dinner at 5:45 PM, followed by the hunt and games at 6:15 PM.


@Westminster on Wednesdays

Kids from 1st grade through high school are invited to enjoy dinner, activities, discussion, and fun, from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Families are welcome to join us for dinner, served at 6:00 PM. Activities for children younger than 1st grade are available on request. Contact Trish at or (402) 570-0163 in advance to make arrangements.


@Westminster on Wednesdays

Kids from 1st grade through high school are invited to enjoy dinner, activities, discussion, and fun, from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Families are welcome to join us for dinner, served at 6:00 PM. Activities for children younger than 1st grade are available on request. Contact Trish at or (402) 570-0163 in advance to make arrangements.


@Westminster on Wednesdays

Kids from 1st grade through high school are invited to enjoy dinner, activities, discussion, and fun, from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Families are welcome to join us for dinner, served at 6:00 PM. Activities for children younger than 1st grade are available on request. Contact Trish at or (402) 570-0163 in advance to make arrangements.

@Westminster on Wednesdays

W3 invites all WPC families and friends to a Year End Worship Service and Potluck at Antelope Park.

VBS: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace

A tile of marble It’s time to get your kids registered for VBS! Registration is $15/child ($45 max/family) before May 31. Register now at   Note: We will be collaborating with Good Shepherd Presbyterian again this year and sessions will be held at Good Shepherd, 8300 E Pointe Road.  Questions? Contact Trish Souliere by email, […]

Synod School

Storm Lake, Iowa Synod School is a learning and personal enrichment experience for people of all ages in an environment of hospitality, healing, and hope. The week is designed for laity, clergy, individuals and families with classes and activities for adults, youth, and children.  2025 Catalog

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