January News
1. Keep it Clean
Three minutes—that’s how long we can go without breathable air before suffering brain and other organ damage. It’s important to keep our air clean! In the United States transportation accounts for over a quarter of our greenhouse gas emissions. But we find ourselves rather dependent on “planes, trains, and automobiles.” We wouldn’t think of throwing a gum wrapper on the ground but may offhandedly be “littering” the very air we breathe.
Trees help to reduce the polluting effect of our behavior. How about purchasing tree planting offsets for your recent holiday travel? Or the trips you take in 2025? Or the day-to-day use of your car? See “Offset How-To’s” (here and on the Westminster website) and give it a try.
2. Offset How-To’s
Were you among the 55 million people flying for the Christmas holidays? Are you planning a vacation this year? Here’s to a wonderful trip! But give this a thought, too.
One person flying round trip from Nebraska to Denver or Chicago generates about .45 metric tons of carbon dioxide. A round trip to either coast generates about .80 metric tons..
You might want to give our warming planet a break by purchasing carbon offsets. A fair price of about $40-50 per metric ton will help clean up that CO2, for instance by planting trees.
Here’s how:
1. Calculate the carbon footprint of your trip.
It’s easy at https://co2.myclimate.org/en/flight_calculators/new
2. Choose a carbon offset program.
Many online are guilty of greenwashing, but we know these to be legitimate:
One Tree Planted https://onetreeplanted.org/products/plant-trees
The Presbyterian Tree Fund https://www.pcusa.org/donate/e865715-restoring-creation-ecology-justice
3. Make your donation and enjoy your trip!
Styrofoam Collection
Foam and Christmas lights are trickling in. Remember, you don’t have to send these items to the landfill. Green@Heart has found a place to take EPS #6 (expanded polystyrene) the rigid white packaging foam that protects items while shipping. Egg and food cartons and packing peanuts can go in orange Hefty bags. We also have a destination for defunct Christmas lights. Container are by the east doors.